Harvest Right Pharmaceutical Firmware 4.0.56 - Required Update For Home Freeze Dyers

Todde Philips
🇺🇸 Retired veteran, father, rock-climbing expert & rosin connoisseur.
The Harvest Right brand of freeze dryers is arguably the best brand for drying bubble hash. However, there are two separate versions of Harvest Right freeze dryers that include different default settings, and this leads to a difference in performance between the two. These two versions are the home and pharmaceutical Harvest Right freeze dryers.
The software included in the home version freeze dyers don't allow shelf temps to go below 125 degrees Fahrenheit. This is way too hot for drying your precious loose resin! In order to dry bubble hash properly, shelf temps must be lower, around 35 degrees Fahrenheit. The pharmaceutical version will achieve this temperature.
The good news is that the Harvest Right home version freeze dyers can receive the pharmaceutical version firmware update.
How to Update Your Home Freeze Dryer to Pharmaceutical Settings:
1. Download the Harvest Right Pharmaceutical Firmware 4.0.56 Zip File from our GoogleDrive.
2. Open & Save File to Computer
3. Upload Files to USB drive & Plug USB Into Harvest Right
4. Allow Harvest Right to Update Software
Want to learn more about using Harvest Right freeze dryers to dry your loose resin? Check out our article How to Use a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer to Make Bubble Hash.
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There are 6 programs on your google drive account; for this to work, do we ONLY download 4.0.56? Im not even sure this woud work, I have the newer home edition but I need Pharma software.
I talked to harvest right and asked if i can downgrade mine as i have the newer pharmaceutical (software version 5.1.15P) They said it wouldnt work but i found an article saying it is possible on the pharmaceutical versions, have you heard if this is possible?