How To Change the Drainage Hose in a Bubble Hash Washing Machine

🇺🇸 Retired veteran, father, rock-climbing expert & rosin connoisseur
While the generic mini washing machines are ready to use just as they are, there is a minor modification that can help increase your hash yields. Most of these machines are manufactured with accordion-style drainage hoses, which creates an inner surface that’s lined with micro ridges and valleys. These hundreds of tiny dips along the inside of the hose create the perfect trichome traps, collecting trichomes that hang suspended in the water and preventing them from passing through into your work bucket and wash bags. More trichomes stuck in the hose means less hash at the end of the wash.
Swapping the accordion hose for a smooth hose prevents this loss, and as a bonus they’re also easier to keep clean. You don’t need any specialized equipment to make this modification, just some basic supplies you can pick up at your local hardware store. Let’s take a look at what you’ll need to change out your accordion hose, and a step by step of the process.
List of Supplies Needed:
1. Reinforced PVC tubing inside diameter ¾-inch, 1-inch outside diameter
2. Razor Blade/Box Cutter
3. 1-inch Hose Clamp x2
4. 1-inch Elbow Joint

Removing and Replacing the Hose
1. Make sure the washing machine is unplugged. Remove the outer panel on the back of the machine to access its interior. Locate the connection of the existing hose into the washing machine.
2. Using a razor blade or box cutter, slice the plastic collar that wraps around the hose where it connects to the drop-down fitting of the washing machine. This should release the hose from the fitting and make it easy to pop off.
3. Attach the plastic elbow joint to the replacement hose using a hose clamp. You may need to heat the end of the hose to soften the pvc material, allowing it to expand enough to slide one end of the elbow joint inside. When heating, be sure not to overdo it otherwise you’ll melt the plastic.

4. Run the hose through the exterior of the machine and position the end with the elbow joint directly underneath the drop-down fitting. Then use a hose clamp to secure the elbow joint to the fitting.
5. At the other end of the hose where the water will exit and flow into your work bucket, you can install a ball valve to prevent water from flowing while the machine is in use. Or, secure some type of plastic hook or loop at that end so you can attach it vertically to the side of the machine while it’s running.
6. Some people like to install another elbow joint at this end to direct the flow of water straight down into the work bucket.
7. Replace the panel and it’s ready to go!
Bonus Tip: After installing your new hose, open the top of the washing machine and locate the turning plate at the bottom of the inside of the washing machine. This should be removed as it traps and holds plant material against the bottom surface of the machine. You may need to wiggle the plate back and forth several times to get it to release, but once it does it should unscrew easily from the screw shaft.
Also, check out these great posts about this process from our friend Belle at Heritage Hash!
Washing machines aren’t absolutely necessary, but they provide a level of automation and consistency that can benefit your operation. Not sure whether to use a washing machine or mix by hand? Read more in our article Hand Washing vs Machine Washing Bubble Hash.
If you’re going the washing machine route, then replacing an existing accordion-style drainage hose is a must. It’s a quick upgrade that increases your yields and keeps material from clogging up and contaminating the inside of the hose. You can even get fancy and Install a valve at the end of the hose for easy opening and closing between washes. And don’t forget to remove the hose after a dozen or so uses and blast a stream of water into one side and out the other. This will keep things nice and clean, which is always the goal when washing hash.
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Why do I need to change out the accordion-type hose on my hash washing machine?
The mini valleys along the inside surface of these accordion-style hoses catch and trap trichomes, reducing your hash yields.
Is it hard to change out the hose in a washing machine for bubble hash?
No, it's a simple process that requires minimal time, effort, and equipment.
What if I don't change out the accordion-style hose on my washing machine?
You can still wash hash but there will be lost yield due to trichomes stuck inside the hose.
What supplies do I need to change out the hose in my hash washing machine?
You only need a replacement hose, razor blade, elbow joint, and hose clamps.
What kind of hose do I need to replace the accordion-type hose in the washing machine?
You need a reinforced PVC tubing inside diameter ¾-inch, 1-inch outside diameter.
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