The Ultimate Solventless Rosin Pressing Resource

What Equipment You Need to Press Rosin

As a cannabis enthusiast, few things are as rewarding as making your own medicine. Whether you’re already consuming rosin on a regular basis or just getting into the world of solventless for the first time, pressing rosin at home is a worthwhile pursuit. Solventless extraction is one of the most exciting facets of the cannabis industry. While high-level artistry is required to produce the best of the best, the basic mechanics of pressing rosin are relatively straightforward and easy to replicate and customize for your unique set of needs.
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Best Cannabis Strains for Pressing Rosin

✅ Updated 1/13/21 The quality of your starting material is the biggest contributor to the final quality of your rosin. It’s crucial to ensure you’re starting out with trichome-rich flowers and high amounts of terpenes. Although the skill of the grower and the growing environment play a significant role in the quality of the cannabis, the cannabis cultivar, or strain, being grown is an important factor not to be overlooked. While the same strains will perform differently in the hands of different growers
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Rosin for Pain Relief

Dabbing rosin is a great way to get a fast-acting, highly concentrated dose of cannabinoids and terpenes For many medical cannabis patients, one of the most powerful advantages of concentrates like rosin is their effectiveness in pain relief. So what are the best strains to use if you’re pressing rosin to help manage pain? There are several strains that are known to contain an effective blend of cannabinoids and terpenes for pain relief. Below we’ll cover three of them, one primarily THC-dominant, one primarily CBD-dominant, and one with an even blend of the two.
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Why Do Terpenes Matter?

✅Updated 9/13/21 Many of best practices for pressing rosin revolve around maximizing terpene preservation and expression. What are terpenes, and why are they important? Terpenes are hydrocarbon compounds that give cannabis it’s distinct aroma, flavor, and effect. Like the familiar cannabinoids THC and CBD, terpenes are created in the glands on the leaves and flowers of mature cannabis plants.
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Best Types of Rosin Presses

✅Updated 3/9/21 From small, home made presses to 20-ton pneumatic behemoths, there are a wide variety of presses on the market. If you’re just starting out with pressing rosin and want to invest in your first real press, it can be difficult to decide which type will best suit your needs. In this quick guide, we’ll outline the main types of presses currently available and discuss the advantages and drawbacks of each kind. Read on to discover which type of press is best for you!
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How To Pack Rosin Filter Bags

Preparation is the key to success. In the art of pressing rosin, how you pack your rosin bag before the press is no minor detail of the process. Overlook some of the specific ways you should be packing your rosin bags and you’ll risk missing out on potential rosin yields. We can think about packing rosin bags in five separate phases: preparing the rosin bag, preparing cannabis material, filling the bag, pre pressing, and closing the bag.
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How to Increase Terpene Production When Growing Cannabis

A good way to think about cannabis cultivation is that you’re actually farming trichomes, specifically the cannabinoids and terpenes they contain. Especially if you’re planning to use the flowers for making hash, it’s important to optimize for terpene production during the flowering phase of the cannabis plant’s life. The following are some things to consider for your grow when aiming for increased terpene production:
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Cultivating Soil for Optimal Terpene Expression

Growing the best cannabis requires growing the best soil. Think about how you’re cultivating your soil and that intention will shine through in the end product. The goal is to create soil that gives roots the healthiest environment possible, and healthy roots lead to healthy flowers. Here are 5 tips to help you grow the best soil for your plants Correct pH (slightly acidic) When using organic soil with only organic fertilizer, pH adjustment will likely not be needed. Most soil in nature is slightly acidic, and that’s what cannabis prefers. If you keep the pH between 6.0 and 7.0
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Top Terpenes in Cannabis

Terpenes are the aromatic oils naturally created by the cannabis plant that give different strains their distinct smell and effect. Each type of strain produces a unique blend of terpenes which help define the experience of consuming the cannabis flower. Not only do terpenes impact aroma, they also interact with cannabinoids like CBD and THC in ways that science is just beginning to understand. While the cannabis community is eager to learn more about terpenes, they are becoming as coveted by the consumer as the famous cannabinoids that have commanded virtually all the attention
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What Is Dry Sift?

✅ Updated 9/21/21 Dry sift is a form of hash that requires minimal processing to separate trichome heads from the stalks, thereby capturing the highest-potency aspects of the cannabis plant. The high concentrations of cannabinoids and terpenes make dry sift hash a premium source material to use for pressing rosin. By itself, the highest quality dry sift hash is able to melt or vaporize completely, which is an indication of it’s purity and potency. The name reflects the specific action required to produce this type of hash, which is essentially sifting, or passing dry cannabis material over a fine screen, in order to separate the trichome heads from the rest of the material.
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The Directional Flow Method Tutorial

✅ Updated 2/14/22The Directional Flow Method is a way of folding parchment paper used during pressing in such a way to guide flowing rosin away from the heated plates and onto a cooler surface (the outer edges of the parchment). The more quickly you move rosin away from the heat source, the more you’ll optimize terpene and cannabinoid preservation. Another benefit of the Directional Flow Method is that it allows you to watch the flow during a press. You can see when the flow starts and when it stops, which lets you really dial in the variables specific to your starting material.
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Top 3 Common Rosin Pressing Mistakes To Avoid

✅ Updated 9/21/21 Pressing rosin is still a relatively new art, although there are many great resources on the internet to teach you how to make pure, potent, and artisanal cannabis concentrate at home. But how about some pitfalls to avoid? We’ve broken down some common rosin pressing mistakes into 3 main categories: Low Quality - Using material with low trichome production won’t yield much rosin. If the buds don’t smell like a bouquet when you break one open, your rosin won’t express an impressive terpene profile.
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How To Make Solventless CBD Rosin

Pressing cannabis flower that contains high levels of CBD follows the same basic principles as pressing flowers high in THC. Obtain flower that’s been specifically bred to produce high levels of CBD, rather than industrial hemp flowers that aren’t optimized for cannabinoid production. While industrial hemp strains produce flowers, most hemp strains have traditionally been developed for food and fiber output, growing plants with long, strong stalks or robust seed output.
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What Are Rosin Chips & What Can You Do With Them?

✅ Updated 1/13/21 Rosin chips are the flattened pancakes of cannabis flowers that remain after being squished at the press. Those flat pucks of squished buds still contain cannabinoids and terpenes, and although there’s less to extract than the first time around, there are at least 2 effective ways to extract them. Re-pressing Pucks for More Rosin Although the initial press yields the highest quality rosin, there is still some worthwhile extract to be obtained the second time around.
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Rosin Bag or No Rosin Bag?

✅ Updated 1/13/21 While bags aren’t absolutely necessary to press rosin, there are several reasons why rosin bags will bolster your success. Packing your source material into rosin bags before it goes onto the press makes it easier to handle the material and control its placement between the plates, enhances the purity of your final product, and can even increase your yields. Workability and Control Packing source material into rosin bags allows you to easily move the material from your tabletop onto the plates
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What Are Rosin Bags & How Do You Use Them?

Whether you’re new to pressing or looking to improve your current levels of quality and yield, this short guide will help you understand the importance of using bags when pressing rosin and how to determine the right bag for your setup. A rosin bag is used to hold cannabis flowers, kief, or bubble hash while being pressed between heated plates. Rosin bags provide a barrier through which rosin separates from the source material, which leaves a final product that’s free from impurities.
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How To Improve Rosin Clarity

✅ Updated 1/7/21 What do you look for when selecting top-shelf rosin? Most rosin connoisseurs will seek out rosin that’s light in color and high in clarity. The perception is that lighter rosin represents a fresher, purer product than darker rosin, which can result from pressing with material that’s past its prime. Additionally, most consumers are willing to pay a premium for rosin that rates highly in clarity and seems to exude a magical golden glow.
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Do I Need to Grow My Own Cannabis to Press Rosin?

✅ Updated 12/31/20 On the journey to creating ever-better rosin, improving your knowledge and perfecting your skills is vital. As with any other technique or art, frequent practice, experimentation, and constant innovation will make you better (and lead to a better product). One of the best ways to supply yourself with enough material, while at the same time controlling the maximum amount of variables, is to grow your own cannabis.
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