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Introducing The Press Club’s Hashish Foils

After years of searching high and low for the correct type of paper film we needed to press, preserve and store aged hash, we decided to make our own for the community...

Made from food-grade ingredients that's 100% terpene resistant, our hashish foils are guaranteed to help roll, preserve flavors, potency and freshness longer than anything else available on the market today.   

No more second guessing if the turkey bags you purchased from your local grocery store are made from the correct material (most aren’t) and risk potentially contaminating your material during the aging process. 

Perfect for rolling temple balls or aging cold cured full melt (aka Piatella) - each Hasish Foil measures 8” x 11” and is available in 2 thicknesses - 

  • 0.025MM - this thickness is perfect for wrapping, twisting and creating an airtight seal for storing and aging your pressed hashish
  • 0.05MM - this thickness is perfect for pressing your hashish before storage

Both thicknesses can be easily cut to the desired size for your specific application. 

Our 8" x 11" Hashish Foils Sheets are great for rolling, storing and aging smaller amounts of resin at once. For larger amounts, check out our Hashish Foil Rolls

Benefits - 

  • Multi-Purpose: pressing, storing and aging
  • Preserve terpenes and cannabinoids 
  • Cure and age without losing volatile compounds

How To Use - 

  1. Use our 0.5MM Hashish Foil to press your hashish with our Temple Ball Roller
  2. After pressing, place your pressed material in the center of the 0.025MM hashish foil to either twist the top to create an airtight seal or wrap the puck multiple times / mold to the desired shape
  3. Allow to age and when ready to consume, unwrap the material and enjoy! 


The Press Club Solventless Rosin Blog

Join 5000+ Happy Customers


Master Hashishin, Lecturer, Workshop Instructor & Educator


🏆 1st Place Emerald Cup 2019 / 2021 🏆 3rd Place 2021 Emerald Cup


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