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We often get asked - "What's the best way to store my material for pressing?" 🤔
We always recommend vacuum sealing your material to prevent oxidization and terpene loss.
The problem is there's not a lot of convenient and well-designed vacuum sealers on the market. Our team was sick of using old-fashioned vacuum sealer and hand pumps to keep our material super dank so we decided to make one ourselves❗️
We're super excited to finally announce our 3-in-1 self-vacuum cure storage jars! 🤯
With our patented vacuum pump lid, all you need to do is throw your favorite material into the jar and twist the lid until the green indicator appears to remove 100% of the oxygen in the jar. Simply press the top release button to re-introduce oxygen back in when you're ready to use it!
PRO-TIP #1: insert a digital hydrometer to make sure the temperature and relative humidity (RH%) stays between 62% to 65% inside the cure jar
PRO-TIP #2: throw smaller jars into the cure container and vacuum seal. Store in dark place or freezer for long-term storage.
- Available in 3 Sizes (0.4L, 0.7L and 1.2L) & 3-Pack
- Made From 100% Stainless Steel
- Patented 3-In-1 Self-Vacuum Lid Technology
- Press & Release Top Button To Re-Introduce Air
- UV Protected To Prevent Terpene Loss
- Dishwasher Safe
- 0.4L (Small): holds 1 dry oz
- 0.7L (Medium): holds 2 dry oz
- 1.2L (Large): holds 3 dry oz
- PLATES: 3" x 5", 4" x 7", Press Light, Insulators
- ROSIN BAGS: 1.25" x 4", 1.5" x 4", 1.75" x 4", 2" x 4", 2.5” x 4.5”, 1.5" x 9", 2” x 9”, 2.5" x 9", 3” x 6”, 3" x 9", 3.5" x 9", 4" x 7", 4" x 12", 5" x 5", 2" Filter Tubes
- LIMITED EDITION: Round Rosin Bags, Tube Sock Rosin Bags, THCA Mechanical Separate Sheets
- FUNNELS: 1.25" Funnel, 1.5" Funnel, 2" Funnel, 2.5" Funnel (Coming Soon)
- DRY SIFT SCREENS: 24" x 12" x 1.25" (Individual / Sets Available)
- WASH WORK BAGS: 6" Cube, 12" Cube
- BUBBLE WASH BAGS: 5 Gallon Premium, 5 Gallon All-Mesh, 10 Gallon, 20 Gallon, 32 Gallon, 44 Gallon, 65 Gallon
- WASHING ACCESSORIES: XL Drying Screens, 0.5mm Collection Card, 5 Gallon Neoprene Insulator Wrap
- PARCHMENT PAPER: 5" x 5", 6" x 12", 8" x 16", 10" x 10", Roll
- PRE-PRESS MOLDS: Pollen Press, 2" x 4", 2" x 9", 2.5" x 2.5", 2.5" x 4.5", 2.5" x 9", 3" x 5", 3" x 9", 4" x 4", 4" x 7"
- COLLECT: Large Rosin Stamp, 6" Cold Plate, Glass Dab Tool Kit
- STORAGE: 5 x 5 FEP Sheets, Self Vacuum Cure Jars, Hydro Stones
- ACCESSORIES: Magnets, Resin Magnets, Trash Bin Organizer, ISO Station, Terp Pearls, Stickers, T-Shirt
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